Our Stories

..Get inspired for your next trip

Personalise your dream stay

We go far beyond ordinary, run-of-the-mill tours & excursions, whether for corporate groups or individuals looking to experience something truly unique and memorable. To help you visualise what we have to offer, and give you some inspiring templates for your own bespoke itinerary around France, we’re delighted to share some of our favorite luxury tours with you: extraordinary private excursions and events that we created exclusively for our clients.

A fairy tale engagement

A 50-year celebration of a business association

A festive get-together around wine & rare food experiences

The best brokers rewarding cruise of an insurance company

Five Days exploring the Loire Valley

Grande Vadrouille

A challenging team building adventure

Feting a contract with a Dom Perignon Champagne evening

An outstanding food tour across the Basque countryside

A special wedding proposal

Peter Mayle’s Provence

Head to reconquer a woman’s love

A dream bespoke honeymoon for American newlyweds

The ultimate high-end ski adventure in Megève

A decadent Bordeaux wine tour

MBA Integration seminary

Luxury barge tour in Burgundy and Beaujolais

Resolving a conflict over fine Burgundy wines

A surprise proposal with the Mont Saint Michel as the Backdrop

French Riviera’s backcountry luxury family adventure

Out of the ordinary cheese tour in France

Cultural high-end experience in Bordeaux & Dordogne

Provence with and artistic insight

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